Normal or Paranormal??
After 10 years of angel numbers, angel feathers, dreams, clearing, meditation visions, subtle and non-subtle messages, open eye visions, crystals, energy work, blessings, obvious transformation, even tangible manifestations and what not, the adamant skeptical scientist in me still refused to believe the tangibility of celestial reality and always justified any thing around, using logic.
While in my experiences in 2012, I saw the universe through entirely different eyes, with several divine experiences, the celestial “tangibility” of it still existed only in my imagination. It existed mostly as intangible energy that may or may not work, or at best, work sometimes… Not repeatable, scientifically, in this world at all.
What good is that then?
Well, as it turns out, that logical thought process can be a mental block.
The Crystal Loot |
I think someone up there somewhere got bugged with that and decided to give me a ‘bonk-on-the-head-wake-up’ call, out of my logical jail.
It was an evening in July 2022. My wife and I had just returned from a small gathering of "believers". It was amazing, but nothing new per se that we were not aware of or experienced before. But we loved it. It was a birthday treat from me to my wife. We bought a bunch of crystals, got some energy work done, did some meditation, some sound work, relaxed, enjoyed and came back with our crystal loot from there.
We typically don’t do cakes and candles, but we thought what the heck, let’s celebrate by lighting up some candles anyway and possibly meditating etc. Totally intuitively, I arranged all the crystals we have at home, on the dining table and 100% intuitively arranged some candles around them too, in an impromptu formation, and lighted them up. We meditated. And it was surreal! 💖
A few days passed.
August 6, 2022, a quiet night, we woke up with a noise at home around 1am. I hurriedly grabbed my phone and got down from the bed, grabbed a hammer from the tool box and walked downstairs in the main hall. The alarm system was still armed, all doors and windows checked out. Nothing seemed out of place or sinister. After a swig of water, went back to bed...
Next morning we couldn’t help but wonder. So we started to investigate if it could have come from outside. Na.. nothing out of the ordinary at all. So after having looked every where, we walked back up into the bedroom, only to notice that our small but heavy mineral crystal ball had fallen from its stand and when it hit the carpeted floor, thats what could have made the sound that woke both of us up.
We fixed the crystal ball back up on the stand. Mystery solved. But a few minutes later, we questioned why now? It’s been there pretty much like for months, if not years. Anyway.. we shrugged it off.
Next night. Boom Dhupp! I look at my phone and it was 1:11am… It was the darn crystal ball again. Annoyed, half asleep, I picked up the crystal ball and put it inside the drawer of the side table by the bed.. thinking I gotta fix that stand. Something must have come loose or something. And I slept.
Next night.. We woke up again, this time with the sound of a fan and see that the table lamp is on. The clock showed 1:28am. It’s a touch lamp with integrated fan. Someone has to touch it to switch it on. Ahh, did she forget to switch of the lamp and dosed off? But no, I saw her looking at me saying whatever woke you up, woke me up too. At this time typical reaction from most folks would be wonder, but I felt playfulness and love. My wife and I didn't think much about it. We touched the lamp back to switch it off....
As we entered back into the covers, the lamp made a tiny ‘boop’ sound and the lights came on.... again.
For a moment we had our eyes open wide. The sleep had disappeared. A chill went down my spine, but the feeling was still that of childlike playfulness for some reason.. We touched it to switch it off again. It switched itself back on.
That game of boop-beep, of us switching it off and it turning on by itself, went on for 3 more times and then we gave up and left the light on because our phones charge via the same lamp. As I was settling back in bed, a voice popped in my head out of the blue as if a child was saying ‘Hi Dad, wake up!’.
For a moment I thought if I had taken any meds that may cause me to hallucinate or something? And hallucination so physical too that I can see the lights and fans turn themselves on…?? Impossible. The circuit must be faulty. Made a mental note to call the electrician and get the wires checked.
But then, why the childlike thought in my head to wake up??
Well, time for a scientific test!! My very logical brain thought so, in the middle of night!
So I literally asked. Verbally. Out loud, to the childlike voice in my head. Right in the middle of the night - Well, if you are not just a figment of my imagination, “show me how you are switching the lights on, but only when I ask you to, and stop doing that If I don’t want it”.
I waited for a few minutes in silence, there was no reaction. The light was on, I could see everything clearly. Waited some more and nothing. I switched the lamp off. Room went dark and quiet..
As I was settling back in bed a third time, I thought.. oh ok! I actually only gave rules and not instructions. May be I should test it with instructions. After a bit of a thought, with confident skepticism, I said out loud again…
“Ok, whoever or whatever you are, Go ahead, switch it on now, lets see”.
What happened next was not only unbelievable but indescribable as well. In the darkness of the room, I literally saw a little light blue Orb appear, move from the side of my bed at godly speed, around to the other side of the bed, over to the table and ‘boop’. And indubitably, to our shock the lamp came on! And I felt the energy of a toddler, full of joy and love, clapping and jumping, as if saying, ‘see dad’ I did like you asked! By this time my wife was annoyed with the lights switching themselves on, gently said ‘I have a meeting in the morning, I must sleep’.
I said in my head, ok, now don’t do it again, we would like to sleep now. We put a towel over the lamp just in case.
I woke up a bit late the next day. The lamp was indeed off and the towel was exactly where we had left it, on the lamp. My wife was in the bathroom, so I thought I will sleep a bit more. I dozed off. Next thing I know is she waking me up saying “it’s a little girl!”.
For a moment while I was still half asleep I wondered what the ruckus was. She said, that she had also felt the exact same energy through the exchange last night. She explained, that she had also mentally said that ‘if you want to play, we can play in the morning, not at night, at night we sleep’. But this morning she had to test it too! And she said, ok, play time, go ahead and switch only the fan in the lamp on. And lo and behold, the towel, still above the lamp started waving… yeah.. the fan indeed turned itself on. And she felt a distinct female playful bubbly loving child energy circle around her… thats when she shook me awake, ‘Its a girl’!
Ok, we had to go back to basics. To the drawing board. What just happened?
But by now there was an understanding that either we were haunted or dealing with energy that we had never experienced in this reality before.
We are typically very open minded people, but this was an ‘interaction’. ‘Tangible’. Real. World. Interaction. I mean, needless to say, we were blown away.
Fast forward two years, now we have names for all our angels, have a language to interact in and interact as needed. They respond, if they know that we need them or if they think we should not be left to our own devices.
As they tell me, their purpose was to wake me up and let me know that they are there for us and help us graduate the ‘earth school’.
It appears that the meditation we did along with our crystal loot, somehow gave my angels enough 'physical energy' to attract my attention in the real world. Which truly opened a new universe for us both. We do keep getting nudges at the best of times and letting their presence known to us often.
#HaveWeLostOurMinds or #AreWeBlessed ?
Love & Light,
-The Lighworker
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