I am me; whereas you are only you?!

Once upon a time a few ice cubes were floating in a glass of water. All they could see was their individuality. Their differences. Their boundaries. Their own specific characteristics. One thought that another's crystals were ugly. Another thought that his edges were rough. And another thought that he was more sparkly and others weren't. They were floating away in their water glass universe. Oblivious of that water..they did not know any better. All they knew was their differences. They knew those really well..in fact they believed they knew a lot about all different types of ice crystals, cube edges and surface shimmer. They were so convinced. But they did not know that they only saw what
they wanted to see. There wasn't any way for them to know anything other than what they could observe yet via their versions of science, math and religion anyway. They did not have a clue that they were created in water's image and will return to it. They did not know that there was light. They did not know there was warmth. Too busy in individualization, too busy in being or becoming a 'type'. Too busy in fighting over who and what they could see different than themselves and others... 
...It wasn't until they dissolved away did they see how they wasted their valuable time thinking about immaterial things in their transient lives...all they needed to do was to transcend individuality and see the whole glass as themselves..
