"The Light"

Life energy, Chi, Qi (氣), Ki, Prana (प्राण), Mazel, Ka, The Light etc.. They are all the same thing. The energy that turns 'intention' into 'action'... Energy that keeps the electricity of the heart on, that keeps us 'energetic', elated, that keeps rivers following, earth moving, sun burning, galaxies spinning... All pervasive. Omni present. Life Energy... One that leaves when we leave this fragile body, one that is always conserved, cant ever be destroyed, Omnipotent. It's a piece of God. It's us. Why ignore excercising that prana (Pranayam, प्राणायाम) when you focus so much in exercising this fragile body? What have you gotta lose? You are gonna breathe anyway, might as well do it consciously and deeply for few minutes! Do it as a habit and watch your life and outcomes around you change!
