Prana (प्राण)

If you thought oxygen is the only useful thing in your inhalation every other second of your living life, guess again. You breathe प्राण वायु i.e. air+all_pervasive_ether (life energy).
Just as Oxygen burns food (your fuel) to give you energy to keep your body moving, Praana (lit. Life) drives the chemical processes that generate electricity in your body, yes, the one that drives Ca++ and Na+/ K+ differentials that power the heart's battery (SA node - spark plug) and is also integral to the nervous system (onboard computer to direct almost all body functions), Yes, the one that contains your brain, (your steering wheel). Ok, back to the point...
Mastering your breathing will improve your overall well being guaranteed. Try it, what do you have to lose? You do it almost every other second any way!! (techniques are abundant, qi gong, tens of pranayama, deep breathing, chanting, or plain and simple singing / laughing etc)..may be try all of the above and adopt a couple? Say whattt? Sooooooo-Hummmmm!
